LEGO Star Wars Geonosian Starfighter 7959 with Commander Cody
LEGO Star Wars Geonosian Starfighter 7959 (155 pcs)
Take on the Geonosian Starfighter in a Clone Wars battle! On the desolate surface of Geonosis, Clone Commander Cody and Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi prepare the Clone Army for another assault on the Separatist droid factory.
Suddenly, they spot a Geonosian Starfighter speeding towards them. Can they defend themselves against the Geonosian pilot, armed with a powerful turret-mounted cannon and proton torpedo launcher? You or your kids decide!
One of buyers said:
"I bought this for a friend's 7 y/o boy. He opened it at his party, about midway through the gifts. When he saw the box he actually screamed. He jumped up and down while shouting for a good 3 minutes, much longer than any of the other gifts, although he was quite grateful for everything he opened. Then, after cake, it was the first box he tore into, and he really didn't join the rest of the party. Maybe this kid is extra into Star Wars, but if that's your kid/grandchild too, this will be a hit. The price is steep, but this was the cheapest way to get the coveted "Commander Cody". I would buy it again. "
Limited Edition Lego Star Wars Set with Commander Cody 7681
Star Wars Exclusive Limited Edition Lego Set #7681 Separatist Spider Droid
Conquer the galaxy, one planet at a time! Unleash the power of the Separatist Spider DroidT! This towering engine of mechanical destruction from the Clone Wars strides across hostile terrain on four independently positionable stilt legs, then uses its moveable laser cannons to blast Republic forces.
There is details product reviews found online:
" bought this set because I wanted the cool figures (especially Commander Fox) and the Spider Droid for my Lego collection. This set comes with one normal clone trooper figure that has a printed head, torso, and helmet. He is equipped with a short blaster. In addition to the clone trooper this set comes with one extremely cool Commander Fox figure that has a normal printed head but a special printed torso and helmet. He is equipped with gray commander gear and pistols. This set also comes with on one standard Battle Droid figure and one Battle Droid Commander figure that is standard except he has a yellow torso. Both of the Droids are equipped with short blasters. This set also comes with one standard Super Battle Droid figure. The Spider Droid itself is a very enjoyable build and when finished it looks very big and intimidating. The Spider Droid is equipped with two blaster cannons, one on the top of the droid that rotates, and one on the bottom of the droid that moves up and down. Well, here are the basics of the set:
The good things
Commander Fox
Clone trooper
Battle Droid
Battle Droid Commander
Super Battle Droid
Commander gear
Commander pistols
Short blasters (also comes with one extra)
Spider Droid
Top blaster cannon
Bottom blaster cannon
The bad things
Over all, I highly recommend this set. "