Thomas The Train Christmas Electric Train Set

Make the holiday season even more special with Thomas The Train Christmas electric train set. It is the best Christmas gift for kids especially who like Thomas The Tank Engine.

thomas the train christmas electric train set price
Bachmann Industries Thomas" Christmas Delivery Ready to Run Electric Train Set Large "G" Scale
Thomas' Christmas Delivery Ready To Run Electric Train Set - Large "G" Scale. Wearing a familiar cap and armed with his trusty snowplough, Thomas hauls two festively decorated cars to bring BIG holiday cheer to one and all.

The Thomas The Train Christmas electric train set includes: Thomas the Tank Engine (with hat, snowplough and moving eyes), open wagon with presents, coach car, 5'4" x 4'3" oval of track, wall pack and speed controller, illustrated instruction manual, DVD-format video instructions. All cars include international-style hook and loop couplers.

Below are the customers reviews about this Thomas The Train electric train set:

"Box was slightly damage causing two section of train train to be damaged also, I repaired the track and the train works good on the repaired sections of track...I am happy with the purchase "

"a wonderful train under the tree at Christmas, simple set-up, kids love it "

thomas the train electric train set price
Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Santa"s Little Engine
This jolly two-pack is based on the Thomas & Friends episode, “Santa’s Little Engine.” Sir Topham Hatt, dressed as Santa, has Thomas pull his sleigh! Thomas and cargo car with removable sleigh can connect to other Wooden Railway engines and vehicles with magnet connectors. Perfect for Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway train sets!

One of happy customers said: "Great train to add to my son's growing Thomas collection. This is going on his train table he'll be getting from Santa Christmas morning. Thankfully he's 2 and doesn't understand Santa yet since he opened this when the package arrived but after playing with it before bed (and falling asleep with the Thomas 1/2 in his hand) I was able to pry them away and hide them only to bring them out on Christmas morning "

Another buyer mentioned: "Thomas - Santa's Little Engine once again holds up to the high standard that we have come to know and love from the Thomas Wooden Railway line of toys. This was purchased as a Christmas present for our two Thomas lovers. The usual wood construction with plastic accessory pieces with vibrant and durable paint make for a toy that will last us for many years of fun play and many Christmases to come. This train is made to fit on the wooden tracks, but also do fit on the Take Along track (and to a lesser success, the Trackmaster tracks). they are not as compatible with the other trains, but my kids do play with all three together. "

thomas the train christmas electric train sets price
Thomas And Friends Wooden Railway - Thomas And the Snowman
It's winter time on the Island of Sodor. Thomas and the Snowman captures children's imagination with his Frosty the Snowman friend balloon. Based on the "Thomas' Frosty Friends" episode of Thomas and Friends, the Snowman balloon adores Thomas. Balloon is a committed companion. He helps pull Thomas along the tracks of the island. Young Thomas lovers will love being part of the engine action.

The following are customers feedback about this Thomas The Train Christmas electric train set:

"I got this for my daughter for Christmas. She was excited beyond belief the minute she saw it on the shelf at the store. I ordered it on Amazon and saved big time. It is as cute in person as it is in the picture. It is very unique. I wish Thomas came with a Santa hat on him or something, as most Thomas lovers already have a plain Thomas. They should have added Christmas lights, snow or a Santa hat, but the snowman float is still too adorable to pass up! "

"We have tons of these trains and this one doesn't disappoint. I agree with previous poster that it would have been nice to have some distinguishing Christmas addition to the Thomas train but we can always use another one as they end up in the diaper bag, the car, the bedroom etc and the snowman flat is very cute and a nice reference if you have seen the episode. "